D.F.: Dead Freight d.w.: Deadweight (tons of 2,240 lbs.) d.w.c.: Deadweight for cargo D/O: Delivery order DAF: Delivered At Frontier - One of the thirteen Incoterms and one of five 'D' terms. The seller is obliged to deliver the goods at the frontier before the customs border of the adjoining contry. The goods should be made available and cleared for export. The seller must also provide documents to enable the buyer to take delivery such as the document of transport or warehouse warrant. Dangerous Goods: Articles or substance capable of posing a significant risk to health, safety or property, and that ordinarily require special attention when being transported. DAT: Dangerous articles tariff. Date Draft: Draft that matures in a specified number of days after the date it is issued, without regard to the date of Acceptance. See Draft. DCA: Department of Civil Aviation. Commonly used term to denote the government department of any foreign country that is responsible for ...